CODEX ALERA: Nicole’s Series Review

Furies of Calderon


Author: Jim Butcher

Publisher: Ace

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Release Date: Various


I loved this series so much! Jim Butcher is one of those authors people have always told me to read, but I was hesitant for so many years. Then, I fell in love with his DRESDEN FILES and CODEX ALERA now ranks among my top 5 beloved series of all time.

It’s an excellent mix of epic and military fantasy, with an incredibly deep cast of characters. With each book, I found myself cheering for Butcher’s MC, Tavi, more and more. He IS what fantasy heroes are made of. And the villain!! Ooh, guys, chills. One of the best written, truly creepy villains ever.

Let’s all agree—battle scenes are awesome! And part of what makes them great, in my mind, is when the author pays attention to the level of detail found in history. From an army’s structure to camp logistics, to weaponry and strategies, history provides a good template. I love it when authors honor the limits of history and force characters to work only with the tools and knowledge that would have been available to them in that era.

CODEX ALERA is one of the best examples of this. Butcher has created an amazing, intricate world with elemental furies, non-human allies and enemies, and other strong fantasy elements, but the heart of the story is wrapped in the military trappings of the Roman Legion. It’s the best of both worlds, and I can’t get enough!

The series is everything I love about fantasy: great characters, a beautifully developed world, gritty action and hard choices, epic good vs. evil battles where the stakes keep rising and the heroes keep paying the price, and a plot that kept even me guessing (seriously brilliant military strategy and applications of magic).

Like a little history in your fantasy? Check out these reads too.

5 Stars


Find the series on Amazon.

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